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Dive into making money online, Make a Website

We know what it takes to make a website.

Even if you have someone building your website, it is really helpful to know how to make one.
It is much easier than it ever was to build your own website. Whether to build it yourself is a decision that you have to make. There are many things to consider. The first is time, the learning curve is quite steep with building a website. Yes, there are a lot of tools out there however many of them lack the essentials needed to really take advantage of a website. If you just want a static website then it is just a calling card, something to put on your business card. However static websites do not lead to much business. Websites need to be active. Making an active website that leads to business is a different thing & needs time & expertise devoted to it. You need to decide how much of your time should be sensibly spent on the technical side of building your website & what you should be paying someone else to do.
There are so many different platforms to build websites on & you first need to decide that. is hugely popular but be aware there are two types (the .com & the .org) & you need to see which is best for you. There are also many others including Joomla! Ask yourself if the platform you choose is right for you now & in the future. There are many resources out there however you can save yourself a lot of time & frustration by spending some money on a professional web designer. It will most probably save you time & money in the long run.

Choose your domain name and set up the nameservers.
Choose your hosting provider.
Choose your platform and upload it to your server.
Build your website.

There are so many choices for you on different platforms. We recommend the Themco Template. You need a website that reflects you and your business. Functionality that enables your business to boom. SEO or Search Engine Optimisation so the world can find you. Security & scalability to ensure your website is safe & can grow with you.

Website Design and Building Websites.

Making websites has never been easy, however, it has become a whole lot easier with the availability of new tools and systems. Three of the most important tools currently available are, Hosting Providers C-Panel, Content Management Systems such as WordPress and Joomla! along with their ready-made Templates. However, no matter how great your website looks, the Content is King!

Websites that reflect you and your business.
Functionality that enables your business to boom.
SEO or Search Engine Optimisation so the world can find you.
Security & scalability to ensure your website is safe & can grow with you.

Website Options

Different options, depending on your needs.

These are some different types of websites.

Basic WordPress website for Bloggers: Configure domain at Registrar. Standard template with no changes, no plugins, setup blog & categories, add a first blog post and five photos. Two hours of training and more.

4 Page WordPress website: Configure domain at Registrar. The premium theme you choose & buy with basic changes to the design. Your text added to four pages and twenty photos. Set up blog and categories, add first blog post & menu, 10 added plugins calendars, videos, social media, carousels, galleries, SEO, Backup etc. Two hours of training & more.

Fully Featured WordPress website: Configure domain at Registrar, Significant design changes to a Premium theme you buy. Setup of fifteen plugins for calendars, videos, social media, carousels, galleries, SEO, google analytics, Backup, etc. Add your text to ten pages & one hundred photos. Set up blog & categories, add first blog post & menu. Four hours of training & more.

4 Page WooCommerce and WordPress website: (Includes the above ‘4 Page WordPress website’ services) Premium Woocommerce theme you choose & buy with basic changes to the design. Woocommerce basic layout & functionality with standard free plugins. Two hours of training and more.

Fully Featured WooCommerce website: (Includes the above ‘Fully Featured WordPress website’ services.) Significant design changes to a Premium Woocommerce optimised theme you buy. Setup of 20 plugins for WooCommerce, etc. to add functionality to the client's requests. Setup to list and process the sale of products. Add the first twenty products and 100 photos, four hours of training and more.

Fully Featured WooCommerce website: (Includes the above ‘Fully Featured WordPress website’ services.) Significant design changes to a Premium Woocommerce optimised theme you buy. Setup of 20 plugins for Woocommerce, etc. to add functionality to the client's requests. Setup to list and process the sale of products. Add the first twenty products and 100 photos, four hours of training & more).

WooCommerce is a Shopify Alternative and we do not recommend it for selling a lot of products.

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