About selectedshop

There is a lot to know about selectedshop. The most important thing to know is that we help businesses sell online. We specialise in Business Development through the Internet. We have over twenty-five years of experience in a vast range of industries.

The domain name selectedshop was first registered on the 27th of November 2004, by the founder and CEO. Edward Marsh, while in Tokyo. The motivation for doing so was the realisation that the future of businesses would be on the internet. This meant that websites would have to be built.

Building websites was a difficult and expensive project in the early days of the internet. Coders were building websites with little thought for design. Actually designing in code was the difficult part! Then in 2005, Adobe purchased the DreamWeaver application from Macromedia. Adobe did what they do and polished it so it could move from the coding world to the design world. It was this change that kickstarted selectedshop into the web design industry.

There was another development in 2005. In August of that year, a new web design project was launched, called Joomla. This was a huge leap forward from building websites in Dreamweaver due to the use of a CMS or Content Management System. Through the Joomla backend, it was possible for non-technical staff to manage and update the content of a website. This enabled websites to be built for clients and they could then change and update the content themselves.

There was another CMS that was actually launched before Joomla. Whoever at the time it lagged a bit behind. This was however to change as the open-source community behind it grew. This was of course WordPress, which is now used by 42.8% of the top 10 million websites.

At selectedshop, we believe that the best platform to build your website on is WordPress. This allows your business to have the best-looking customer-facing website that showcases who you are. You can then build on that by integrating a huge array of plug-ins that add to the functionality of your website.

The next development that massively expanded the abilities of businesses to sell online was platform-based CRM or Customer Relationship Management. These platforms allowed businesses to build funnels to bring leads in from a website. These funnels include automated email campaigns, product or service upsells, appointment bookings and a whole lot more. selectedshop works with HighLevel CRM, which we believe to e the leader in the field. Combining WordPress websites with HighLevel backend is a powerful sales generator.

CRM platforms are great for selling services. Every company sells services in a way, so they all need them, but for businesses selling a large number of products something different was needed. There were plugins for WordPress, such as WooCommerce, but these fell short when a large number of products were involved. What was needed was a dedicated platform to sell products online. In 2005 Shopify started, initially selling snowboards. From this shop, a whole new platform was built that is now the biggest playing in the online products selling game. We have considerable experience in building websites on the Shopify Platform.

From 2004 to 2010, selectedshop was based in Japan. The company worked with, Daiichikosho (https://www.dkkaraoke.co.jp/english/) the largest Karaoke company in the world, who realised they could expand their content into the new world of the mobile internet. Building mobile websites on the different, closed garden, internet spaces of the mobile phone providers there. These websites provided music and image content downloads for their users. Within one year the websites had over one hundred thousand monthly subscribers.

In 2004 selectedshop moved the location of the business to India. The focus of the business was on building websites and marketing services for tourism assets aimed at international clients. During this time the company worked with some incredible clients with hotels and restaurants across India.

In 2020 the business moved to the UK where it is currently based.